H 2 Oh my goodness......

It's funny, in the past several days a couple diff. people asked me how much water I drink a day. When I say 88 ounces, they look at me like what a weird amount. Is that how much you are suppossed to have?? I laugh and try to explain what the container looks like that I sit out on my desk at work or counter at home and literally pour cups out of and chug all day until it's gone..... Since I couldn't explain it, I took a picture. It's funny too, b/c sometimes the cup or glass that I drink out of makes a difference in how easy it is to drink the water. I really, really think that it is such a big help in losing weight or "curbing" my appetite as they say. How do you curb your appetite anyway??? I guess they mean park it or put it on hold... anyway random thought...
so here is a picture of my water container and my blue party cup :) Like I'm back in college at a kegger...hahahahha so chug, chug, chug...... cheers to rubbermaid.... LOL