You Go Girl!

I saw one of my really good friends this weekend who I haven't seen in about a week and a half and SHE LOOKED GREAT! I could def. tell that she lost weight! She has been doing WW as long as me and she lost right around the same amount as me and you can really see it! It's funny, I guess that it takes a certain amount of weeks before you can see the difference or maybe you should hide in your house for a week or two away from everyone when you diet b/c it seems that unless you don't see someone for a period of time, it's harder to notice the weight loss! But anyway I wanted to say great job to my great friend! I'm proud of you!!


Jami said…
you both look fabulous :)
Kelly said…
You too Big Momma!!!
hmdavish said…
Wish I was getting a new baby girl in a couple of weeks :)
Jami said…
awwwwww.... you will be getting her in August :)

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